Tuesday, January 26, 2010

thank you for bringing this to my attention...

the denver egotist brought something to light that i have books on but would love a website instead. this article is a great thing for burgeoning web designers, graphic designers, art directors, and so forth... it is as follows the article explains all of these shortcuts that are in Photoshop (Ps) that you always mouse to. like, cmnd + shift + (.) increases your type by 2 points. time saving is an understatement. check it out, will do you some good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Big Swinging....Technology

This article in Ad Age reminds me of my Commencement Speech for my undergrad. Raymond Kurzweil was the commencement speaker. he spoke of the singularity, and how present it really is. what he talks about is how technology and price points are increasing/decreasing at an incredible rate. as technology gets better, the price goes down. something that really hit me was the iphone 3Gs. in 1999 the Pentium 3 chip came out. with it came with 500MHz of processing power and less then 256 MB of RAM. that was ten years ago. the iphone 3Gs comes with 866MHz and 512 MB of RAM. and it is about 1/20th the size. it is so crazy to think how fast technology moves. also, that computer was $5,000.00 US. the iphone OFF a plan is $600.00 US with the plan $200.00 US. it blows my mind to think what technology will overcome in 2020. hell, i am excited to see what apple comes out with in the next 3 years.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guy Kawasaki "The Art of Innovation..."

cool work by Guy Kawasaki. HERE.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adrian Shaughnessy

I am reading one of Adrian Shaunessy's books right now. And he has some great quotes that, even in my short time in the business, are completely relatable. i.e.
"During the time that I ran a studio, and despite having some blue-chip clients and, at one giddy moment, 40 members of staff, I never employed account handlers. Why? Because 'account handling' was something done by advertising agencies and big soulless design groups as a way of distancing their clients from the messy business of creativity, and this was the opposite of what my studio stood for. We believed in letting out clients see the blood on the floor.
But in truth, account handling was what I mostly did: hand-holding nervous and mistrustful clients; listening to them; placating them; remonstrating with them; and sometimes admitting to them that we'd screwed up. But although this is what I did, I refused to call it account handling. I called it: looking after clients, and showing them what we do, and letting them know where and how their money was being spent."
I am enjoying his book immensely.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Big Ups for Small Creative Cos.

This article published in ADWEEK today, explains how small business in the creative industry will grow in 2010. Interesting article for sure.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new year, new...

here at 303 we are excited for the new year.

we are starting out with new hires, on the management side.

more info to come soon.